11th Annual General Meeting

The AGM will be held in a virtual format via Zoom.If you would like to attend the AGM you must RSVP. We will send the Zoom link, via email, to … Continued

Northwest Bike Clubs Calendar

Click on the poster for events happening this summer. Please respect public health orders

Womxn’s Bike Clinics – Thursday Nights

Wxmen’s bike clinics will be held every Thursday between May 27th and June 24th. Where: Bluff Parking LotWhen: Rolling at 6:00 pm. Please arrive early to get organized.Cost: $5 per session Requirements: … Continued


Upchuck Race, Hosted by McBike

Sign up hereTime yourself on StravaCheck out the route here Prizes, afterparty


Work-bee, Thursday, July 8, 6pm

Details: Meet at Bluff parking lot at 6pm, bring personal PPE, snacks and water. Also bring a shovel, pulaski or bucket (if you have them). Plan for a Smithers Brewing Co. excursion afterwardsNotes: If … Continued

Work-bee, Thursday, August 19th, 6pm

Details: Meet at Bluff parking lot at 6pm, bring personal PPE, snacks and water. Also bring a shovel, pulaski or bucket (if you have them). Plan for a Smithers Brewing Co. excursion afterwardsNotes: If … Continued

Annual General Meeting – free pizza

SMBA 2021 AGMJoin us to recap the 2021 year, eat free pizza, drink $3 beers, and get the details on what's happening in 2022!!When:  Tuesday, November 16th, 2021Social: 5:00 pmPresentation: 5:30 pmQuestions/Comments: 6:30 … Continued

Future of Trail Development

SMBA Future Trail DevelopmentFor those of you who tuned into our AGM, you may be aware of the plan to host a trail development meeting.For those of you who couldn't … Continued