- NEW! eBike groups rides will meet at McBIke and Sport on May 9 for a social ride. These group rides will be coordinated by Tyler and will go until June 27th, 9 rides in total. More information about the group rides will be shared during first ride, and on SMBA instagram. Stay tuned and come on out. Only for e-mountain bikes, as rides will be off-road.
- Chicks mtb-bike group-rides will start May 16th at 6.00 PM and will meet at The Bluff Parking. Hannah Z will coordinate the rides through the summer. Come on out and join a group ride intended for all skill levels. More information about the group rides will be shared during first ride, and on SMBA instagram.
- Open to both men and women, all skill levels;
- Various options available depending on skills and wants
- for updates on group ride location and times