2021 Group Rides
Meet the SMBA every week for a casual group ride. Folks will meet at the Bluff Parking Lot at 6:00pm. All ride levels welcome, as we split the group up … Continued
Meet the SMBA every week for a casual group ride. Folks will meet at the Bluff Parking Lot at 6:00pm. All ride levels welcome, as we split the group up … Continued
Our very first virtual race is starting this Sept. 20th!
You have one week to race your fastest lap on Huckin’ Eh.
We want to see you have fun and get creative with this 2020 Scavenger Hunt! Details:Download scavenger Hunt checklist https://smithersmountainbike.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/SMBA-Scavenger-Hunt-1-2.pdfCreate a Google Photos album, Email list and google photo album to [email protected] … Continued
More to come on this fun event, but be prepared to wear your best costume and don't forget your headlamp!
Be sure to bring your kids to this fun event. Sure to be fun for everyone. Costumes encouraged, and there may be some candy involved ;) Meet at the Bluff … Continued
The AGM will be held in a virtual format via Zoom.If you would like to attend the AGM you must RSVP. We will send the Zoom link, via email, to … Continued
Click on the poster for events happening this summer. Please respect public health orders
Dirt MoversThe SMBA will be hosting its first Projects Focused or Dirt Movers Work Bee of the year this coming Sunday, May 16th. Due to Covid (yeah Covid is still … Continued
Wxmen’s bike clinics will be held every Thursday between May 27th and June 24th. Where: Bluff Parking LotWhen: Rolling at 6:00 pm. Please arrive early to get organized.Cost: $5 per session Requirements: … Continued
Sign up hereTime yourself on StravaCheck out the route here Prizes, afterparty
Details: Meet at Bluff parking lot at 6pm, bring personal PPE, snacks and water. Also bring a shovel, pulaski or bucket (if you have them). Plan for a Smithers Brewing Co. excursion afterwardsNotes: If … Continued