Virtual Race Series Race #1
FRIDAY, JUNE 30TH -MONDAY, JULY 9THWe're kicking of our Virtual Race Series!Race the course as many times as you'd like between Friday June 30th and July 9th. Use strava to record your ride. We'll announce the course Friday morning! $10 to register, or $25 to register for all three races. Proceeds go to trailbuilding and … Continued
Virtual Race Series Race #2
FRIDAY, July 14 - Sunday July 23rdWe're doing the second virtual race of the summer!Race the course as many times as you'd like between Friday July 14 and July 23rd. Use strava to record your ride. We'll announce the course Friday morning! If you've already registered for all three races in advance, then you're already … Continued
Virtual Race Series Race #3
Final Virtual Race of the series! We're having an awards ceremony @ Smithers Brewing on Sunday Aug 20 at 7:00 pm. Racers are entitled to a free beer/kombutcha
Nov 15th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
We are hosting our AGM at the old Church on Wednesday November 15. Doors open at 7:15PM Come join us for updates on our organization. We will talk through a retrospective of SMBA's 2023 (trailbuilding, grants etc) in addition to our plans for 2024 (Master plan, New Alpine Trail, operations). We are always looking for volunteers … Continued
Spring Kick-Off BBQ
Hazelton Rec. CentreeBike groups rides
NEW! eBike groups rides will meet at McBIke and Sport on May 9 for a social ride. These group rides will be coordinated by Tyler and will go until June 27th, 9 rides in total. More information about the group rides will be shared during first ride, and on SMBA instagram. Stay tuned and come … Continued
Sherwood Mtn Poker Ride
Sherwood Mtn Poker Ride. May 11. Terrace
Sprockids Summer Program
Sprockids has over 65 registered kids on bikes this year! They will use many of our trails starting Wednesday May 15, and go until June 19. From 5.00-7.00pm it will be busy times on our easier trails so PLEASE SLOW DOWN and YIELD to upcoming traffic on two-way trails!
eBike groups rides
NEW! eBike groups rides will meet at McBIke and Sport on May 9 for a social ride. These group rides will be coordinated by Tyler and will go until June 27th, 9 rides in total. More information about the group rides will be shared during first ride, and on SMBA instagram. Stay tuned and come … Continued
Chicks mtb-bike group-rides
Chicks mtb-bike group-rides will start May 16th at 6.00 PM and will meet at The Bluff Parking. Hannah Z will coordinate the rides through the summer. Come on out and join a group ride intended for all skill levels. More information about the group rides will be shared during first ride, and on SMBA instagram.